Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Time flies...

Wow, you don't notice how time flies past, and your life with it. Over 18 months since my last post.
Well, on a personal note, our third child was born since then, but the main lack of updates is our moving house. The "rails" are still "in the roof" of our old house, bought by good friends of ours. Everything up there is mothballed, waiting for me to make a decision on what to do with it all!
My thoughts right now are to probably sell my locos (they won't keep that well over time), but keep my rolling stock. In good condition, it will probably increase in value over time.
Now I'm approaching the ripe old age of 35, I'm considering a small N Gauge layout. I've got plenty of space in the new place, but the smaller size is appealing. Currently googling for small track layout ideas - we'll see!